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At the start of his second full year as chancellor of UMass Dartmouth, Mark Fuller has some big challenges in front of him. Among his tasks are to turn around declining enrollment and retention numbers.

Also on his plate, in an era when state funding of higher education is insufficient and students are struggling to afford increasingly expensive tuition and fees, is the need to inspire a culture of financial support from the school’s alumni.

Those are tall orders, but Fuller, who was dean of UMass Amherst’s Isenberg School of Management when it shot up the research university rankings over the last decade or so, may be up to the task.

Former Mayor Bullard: Art students ‘being pushed out by their own protectors’

The Chat tackles the Star Store issue. Former Mayor Lang: “These are world renowned artists and we have shut the door on them by allowing an unstable university system with intransigent leaders coming into our area and telling us what’s good for us. I am tired of people treating us like a colony.”

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