Star Store

CVPA students bemoan loss of school they thought they attended

“You have baited my colleagues and I into moving across the country (and in many cases, across the world) under promise of certain educational and professional opportunities. By then freely electing to break this promise, you actively handicapped our educational and professional development.” — Student Matthew Napoli

Loss of Star Store almost invisible at inauguration

Inaugurations in New Bedford are a homespun thing. The high school band plays “America the Beautiful” and the police and veterans march in with rifles, the firefighters with axes. The mayor, City Council, School Committee, etc., behind them. I love it, and it’s important. It sets the tone for the very vital area of our…

Some MFA students are back in New Bedford

“Basically, the Star Store was this program. The MFA program was the Star Store.” — Union leader Nick Gula of the university’s Maintainers, Local 6350

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Founding benefactors: Joan and Irwin Jacobs fund of the Jewish Community Foundation, Mary and Jim Ottaway

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