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From a young age, David Poyant worked with his hands. At just 12 years old, he began working alongside his father, repairing shoes at the family business. Those early experiences instilled in him a deep appreciation for craftsmanship and the satisfaction of creating something tangible.

Poyant has fond memories of his mother, who passed away over 40 years ago, vividly recalling her always having some sort of sewing project on her lap in the evenings. Inspired by these memories, he decided to try his hand at embroidery. Without hesitation, he went out and bought some embroidery thread and needles.

Contact David Poyant and learn more about the artist’s work.

Just over three years into retirement and a new phase of his life, he has found success with his “thread paintings.” His intricate pieces have been displayed at the New Bedford Art Museum and have caught the attention of local collectors.

His creative process is unique. He begins by generating an image using artificial intelligence, a tool that provides him with great artistic freedom. He then transforms these digital images with thousands of colors of thread, bringing them to life with meticulous detail and vibrant hues.

Today, he spends his evenings with a project in his lap, relaxing in a recliner and accompanied by the gentle hum of the TV. His wife of 45 years watches her own programs upstairs while he quietly creates his brightly colored works downstairs.

Without an art school education, he has managed to combine the age-old craft of needlework with cutting-edge software to create artwork that is uniquely his own.

David Walega is a photojournalist from the South Coast whose work has appeared in publications around the world. Email him at


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