For Christine Maiato Fitzgerald, art is transformative

The artist, born and raised in New Bedford, says, “The process of going through the steps and releasing whatever that so-called bad event that took place in my life … I’m releasing it on that canvas and just leaving it there.”

Experiment pays off for Ian Legge, the Punk Cellist

“When I get to bring a song that they recognize to an instrument that they don’t recognize, that’s why I fell in love with doing these covers. You’re hearing (the song) in a new way.”

Alison Wells creates her own journey

Guided by instinct, the native of Trinidad applied and was accepted at UMass Dartmouth to study fine art painting. In a transformative moment, she left everything behind and found herself in New England. After 19 years, her business thrives.

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Founding benefactors: Joan and Irwin Jacobs fund of the Jewish Community Foundation, Mary and Jim Ottaway

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For questions about donations, contact Chrystal Walsh, director of advancement, at cwalsh@newbedfordlight.org.

For questions about sponsoring The Light, contact Peter Andrews, director of business development and community engagement, at pandrews@newbedfordlight.org.